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檔案(Torent, zip等)
  1. freedl
  2. multiupload
  3. btghost
  4. 便當狗
  5. mediafire
  6. pillowangel
圖片(JPG, GIF等)
  1. hotimg
  2. tinypic
  3. mousems2
  4. imageshack
  5. imm.io


 發表於 2011-9-24 02:21 AM

File Juicer will search any type of file, but not all files use standards for storing images, video or text.

File Juicer doesn’t care what type file you drop onto it; it searches the entire file byte by byte. If it finds a JPEG, JP2, PNG, GIF, PDF, BMP, WMF, EMF, PICT, TIFF, Flash, Zip, HTML, WAV, MP3, AVI, MOV, MPG, WMV, MP4, AU, AIFF or text file inside, it can save it to your desktop or to another folder you choose.

With File Juicer you can:

* Extract images from a PowerPoint slide show or presentation. 回收powerpoint內的影像
* Extract images and text from PDF files.  從pdf檔中回收文字(中文不知道可不可以沒有試過)
* Recover images and video from erased flash cards 從刪除中的記憶卡(回)恢復圖案或影片檔
* Recover text from damaged files 從危險或是壞掉的檔案中回收文字
* Extract the images and HTML files in Safari’s cache. 從Safari中提出html或圖片檔
* Extract attachments from email archives. 從email提出附加檔案
* Rebuild simple PDF files into Word documents 重建簡單的pdf檔到word檔
* Convert iPhoto’s iPod cache files and ithmb files to TIFF.  轉換ipod內的文件成tiff檔
* Recover photos from your iPod if you have lost your Mac.
* Extract Flash animations saved in .EXE files.
* Convert ZIP files which have been saved as .EXE files to zip.
* Extract the JPEG pictures from Canon & Nikon RAW files.
* Extract System 7 Sounds
* Use it for forensics examining cache files of various kinds
* Invisibly attach files to images – simple steganography


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